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Insight and Inspiration for Living Your Legacy

"If the only thing that you're entitled to is that you will die..." purpose tips from podcast guests May 06, 2022

Insight and inspiration for flying higher in the difference only you can make from guests who have appeared on Creative on Purpose Live.

This week's wisdom comes with a twist. This insight from a conversation I had with Meridith Grundei and Joseph Bennett on...

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The Purpose Paradox art of encore living personal development purpose May 04, 2022

Do you know your life’s purpose?

If you answered, “No,” you’re not alone...

According to recent polls, only 25% of people in the United States have a clear sense of purpose and meaning in their lives.

57% are searching for greater purpose and meaning.

Purpose is how we...

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Emergence art of encore living personal development May 02, 2022

As a coach, I hear the word "transformation" quite a bit. Maybe too much...

In Seth Godin's Akimbo Workshops, where I served as a head coach for four years, "transformative" is the number one word students use to describe their experience after completing a program.

"Transformative" is...

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Lindsay Recknell - "If it matters to you, it matters (full stop)." tips from podcast guests Apr 29, 2022

Insight and inspiration for flying higher in the difference only you can make from guests who have appeared on Creative on Purpose Live.


Scott Perry, Chief Difference-Maker at Creative on Purpose.

If this resonates, please share it with a friend!

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A Leader of Leaders art of encore living personal development Apr 27, 2022

I believe that too often, we conflate leadership with expertise and authority.

We assume others must have more knowledge and power than us and therefore look for leaders beyond ourselves and our circle.

But what do great leaders do, really?

A dictionary definition of...

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Clarifying Your Purpose art of encore living personal development purpose Apr 25, 2022

Purpose is an evolving thing.

Just as you are a work in progress, the difference only you can make is something that is refined and iterated over time.

Here are 3 questions you can ask yourself daily to help you clarify and stay in your purpose and decide your next small, bold steps...

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"I think it's supposed to be fun." - Scott Perry podcast appearances tips from podcast guests Apr 22, 2022

Insight and inspiration for flying higher in the difference only you can make from guests who have appeared on Creative on Purpose Live.

This week's wisdom comes with a twist. This insight is from a conversation I had with Sha Sparks on her outstanding podcast, The Power...

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Don't push the river. art of encore living personal development Apr 20, 2022

The New River is one of the oldest rivers in the world. 

I live near it and visit it often.

It flows north instead of the usual south and crosses a mountain range rather than descending from one.

I love that it's a contrarian. It reminds me of someone I've known all my life. ;)

My wife and I...

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It's not your fault... personal development Apr 18, 2022

I think there's a distinction between an affront not being your fault and it not being your responsibility.

Most of us don't intend to cause harm through our words and deeds (at least most of the time).

However, between intention impact, there lies interpretation, and therein lies the rub (and an...

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How to Find Your Purpose art of encore living personal development purpose Apr 16, 2022

Why is purpose (AKA “the difference only you can make”) so elusive? A big part of the challenge is the misconceptions about where purpose resides.

Maybe you’ve been told that your purpose is “out there,” and you need to go find it. Or perhaps you were told it’s...

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Robbie Swale - "Don't wait for inspiration." tips from podcast guests Apr 15, 2022

Insight and inspiration for flying higher in the difference only you can make from guests who have appeared on Creative on Purpose Live.

This week's wisdom comes from a conversation with Robbi Swale, author of How to Stat When You're Stuck. Tune into the entire...

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What is purpose? art of encore living personal development purpose Apr 13, 2022

Who are you?

Why are you here?

Where are you going?

How do you engage with the world?

What is your reason for being?

These are questions about purpose. Your purpose. Your reason for being.

Defining and refining your purpose builds identity, forges meaning, and creates common cause...

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