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Insight and Inspiration for Living Your Legacy

The most important conversation you'll ever have. art of encore living personal development tga Aug 29, 2022

The most important conversation you ever have is the one you have with yourself on your deathbed.

That moment is a reckoning—the time when you answer the question, “What meaning did my life have?”

After all, your life’s meaning is derived from what you did while it was...

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A Many-Splendored Life art of encore living personal development Aug 24, 2022

Humans embrace a many-splendored life.

We crave comfort—a desire to know where we stand and what’s expected of us.

Societal, educational, and occupational institutions provide the external validation and rewards that encourage this monolithic, linear view of who we are and what we do....

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Bridging the Knowledge/Wisdom Gap art of encore living personal development tga Aug 22, 2022

During my 4 years as a head coach at Seth Godin's Akimbo Workshops, I was consistently asked the same question by students a workshop was winding to a close.

"Which workshop should I take next?"

My consistent answer was, "Are you sure you need another workshop?"

Students were often taken aback by...

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Shaken Not Stirred art of encore living personal development Aug 17, 2022

When I hit bottom in my "all is lost moment" in midlife, the famous line from the Bond film Goldfinger neatly summed up my experience.

"Shaken, not stirred."

This, of course, was Bond's preferred martini preparation. But I wasn't asked how I wanted my midlife crisis cocktail prepared...

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Sarah Scala - "We always fail if we never try." tips from podcast guests Aug 15, 2022

Today I'm sharing some insight for finding fulfillment, forging meaning, and making an impact from an inspiring difference-maker living her legacy. Sarah Scala is an LGBTQIA+ Leadership Coach. Catch our entire conversation here.

[SARAH] "I would say we always fail if we never try."

"If we...

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"What am I supposed to do with my life?" art of encore living personal development Aug 15, 2022

I was introduced to the Bhagavad Gita in the 7th grade by my English teacher.

Both the book and teacher remain important to my life to this day and my adventures in midlife.

Although the Gita is one of the world's oldest spiritual and philosophical texts (written well over...

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Turning Breakdowns Into Breakthroughs art of encore living personal development Aug 08, 2022

Life's challenges can precipitate a breakdown.

But life's difficulties (and disasters) can also catalyze a breakthrough.

My breakdown moment came just as I was entering midlife.

I thought I had myself and my life all figured out, and it was running more or less on autopilot.

And then it all...

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Alisa Conner - "It's never too late." tips from podcast guests Aug 03, 2022

Today I'm sharing some insight for finding fulfillment, forging meaning, and making an impact from an inspiring difference-maker living her legacy. Alisa Conner is an email marketing strategist. Catch our entire conversation here.

[SCOTT] "What last encouragement would you give someone,...

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Want to NEVER fail again? art of encore living personal development Aug 01, 2022

What keeps you from succeeding?

Failure may be the obvious answer.

But I think it's actually a level deeper. I think it's fear of failure.

And what is fear of failure?

A story you tell yourself about your self.

In Onward: Where Certainty Ends, Possibility Begins, I shared a...

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What is the meaning of life? art of encore living personal development Jul 27, 2022

"What is the meaning of life?"

It's one of the most asked questions across all of human history.

But perhaps a more helpful question is, "What gives life meaning?"

I think we have to begin with the fact that life ends.

ANY meaning our life has comes from what we do with it during our journey from...

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Is what you're working on working for you? art of encore living personal development Jul 25, 2022

How do think about the work you do?

Are you working at something?

Is it something worthy of your valuable (and finite) time, attention, and effort?

Are you doing that work in collaboration or community?

If not, why not?

Or maybe you're working for something?

If so, is it a...

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Louise Hallam - "Do what brings you joy." tips from podcast guests Jul 18, 2022

Today I'm sharing some insight for finding fulfillment, forging meaning, and making an impact from an inspiring difference-maker living her legacy. Louise Hallam is an intuitive consultant and spiritual teacher. Catch our entire conversation here.

[LOUISE] "There are so many, but I think as...

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