Robbie Swale - "Don't wait for inspiration."
Apr 15, 2022Insight and inspiration for flying higher in the difference only you can make from guests who have appeared on Creative on Purpose Live.
This week's wisdom comes from a conversation with Robbi Swale, author of How to Stat When You're Stuck. Tune into the entire conversation here.
[ROBBIE] "I think a lot about practice and, you know, really one way to frame that would be, 'Who's the person you want to become?' That kind of thing you're talking about, 'How do you live your legacy?'"
"What's one way you can practice doing that even for 12 minutes a week? That's the kind of answer that comes to mind."
"But the other thing that came into my mind when you were talking about a tip is I had this funny experience with my book which is that I had this Steven Pressfield quote at the start because I love The War of Art. It made a huge difference to me, and when I was publishing the book I thought, I'd better check this quote, and I couldn't find it."
"And I had no idea what it was. Like, how I possibly misquoted this and where is it? And I read The War of Art pretty much again, and Googled loads, and couldn't find it."
"And then I realized that it was actually, I was quoting myself, not Steven Pressfield. That I'd written once about Steven Pressfield, and I'd kind of taken something he said and boiled it down to a different sentence."
"He talks about muses and angels at the end of The War of Art, and in a way, I changed that. And this is a really important thing to me."
"That what I'd written that I thought was Pressfield but it turned out was Swale."
"Our inspiration is always around us, and it's only when we make a start that we let inspiration in so that's the other thing. It's like, don't wait for the inspiration. Make the start."
Robbie just delivered a powerful insight. Don't wait for inspiration but simply make a start. How might starting invite inspiration to come to you today?
Scott Perry, Chief Difference-Maker at Creative on Purpose.
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