The Blog
Insight and Inspiration for Living Your Legacy
Today I'm sharing some insight for finding fulfillment, forging meaning, and making an impact from an inspiring difference-maker living her legacy. Louise Hallam is an intuitive consultant and spiritual teacher. Catch our entire conversation here.
[LOUISE] "There are so many, but I think as...
Today I'm sharing some insight for finding fulfillment, forging meaning, and making an impact from an inspiring difference-maker living her legacy. DeAnne Gauya is the Creative Energetic Orchestrator at GauyaFit. Catch our entire conversation here.
[DEANNE] "This is one of the most...
Intention and integrity are words I frequently use in my work helping retirees start and scale fulfilling online lifestyle businesses that help fund their retirement.
But what do intention and integrity really mean?
An intention is an aim established for purposeful action.
Intentions are made on...
Today I'm sharing some insight for finding fulfillment, forging meaning, and making an impact from an inspiring difference-maker living her legacy. Barbilee Hemmings is the founder of Quality of Life Assurance. Catch our entire conversation here.
[BARBILEE] "Take time to pee. No,...
How do you become who you're meant to be?
You must remember and reconnect with who you've always been.
For example...
When I was twelve, my friend Andy and I found patterns to make Muppet-style puppets in one of my mom's magazines.
We crafted a cast of puppets, built a stage, scripted a variety...
Some people have a love-hate relationship with social media.
Mine was more of a hate-hate relationship...
That began to change when I was a student and later a 4-time coach in Seth Godin's Marketing Seminar.
What I learned there is that social media is merely a tool. It's like a hammer.
A hammer...
Today I'm sharing some insight for finding fulfillment, forging meaning, and making an impact from an inspiring difference-maker living her legacy.[Angel Shanon is the founder of Steva Health. Catch our entire conversation here.
[ANGEL] "To your bigger question about what to do, because that's...
Encore living isn't about work-life balance.
Work-life balance is a delusion and an invitation to shame and suffering.
A life worth living is much more than two neatly ordered buckets.
What I'm learning in the second half of life is that I play MANY roles.
And HOW I show up in them is entirely my...
Can you make a living from the difference only you can make?
Sure. If that's what you want to do.
At some point, you realize that profitability is different from prosperity.
You probably are already familiar with the experience of trading hours of your life for dollars.
How does that feel?
The exquisite opportunity available to us in the second half of life is less about reinvention and more of an invitation to become what we always were meant to be.
The first half of life is about accomplishment as measured by school and society. Living from the outside in.
The second half of life...
"Make a living" is a funny phrase. What does it really mean?
For most if us, it means whatever one does to earn the money necessary to provide for life's essentials like food, clothing, and shelter.
But of course, if you're reading this you can cover much more than the essentials with your...
I found Shakespeare difficult to read back in Jr. High School. However, I recently immensely enjoyed rereading As You Like It.
It opens with this line.
"All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players."
The way I read this is that ol' Willie is revealing both the personal...