What is the meaning of life?

art of encore living personal development Jul 27, 2022

"What is the meaning of life?"

It's one of the most asked questions across all of human history.

But perhaps a more helpful question is, "What gives life meaning?"

I think we have to begin with the fact that life ends.

ANY meaning our life has comes from what we do with it during our journey from womb to tomb.

And what we all do in that journey is work. We spend our precious and finite allotment of time, attention, and energy doing things.

What are you doing? What are you working on?

In midlife, some find that the roadmap to meaning offered through institutionalized education and occupation doesn't provide the sense of fulfillment we crave.

Many of us feel we were born to do more and better than chase salary, status, and stuff (and measure "success" against how everyone else is doing).

And I believe that instinct is absolutely correct and worth spending time on, paying attention to, and exerting some effort to figure out.

At some point, some of us start to think about our legacy.

But here's the thing.

Legacy isn't just something you leave behind.

Legacy is something you can live every day.

You don't want to die with the difference only you can make still inside.

Do you?

How are you living your legacy today?

Scott Perry, Encore Life Coach at The Art of Encore Living

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