The Blog


Insight and Inspiration for Living Your Legacy

Is there an afterlife? personal development Sep 10, 2023

Is there life after death?

That's actually a pretty silly question.

The real question is this.

Is there life before death?

How would you answer that question? Have you been living your life?

Life ≠ Living

The opposite of death Is NOT living.

The opposite of death is birth.

Living is something...

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Practice Out Loud & In Public personal development Sep 04, 2023

Can public practice and immediate feedback elevate your craft?

In pursuing mastery in the difference only you can make, the journey is as important as the destination.

The process is both the shortcut and the reward.

Practicing your craft out loud and in public is a force...

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How to Get What You Really Want personal development purpose Aug 28, 2023

What do you want in life? More money? More time? More recognition?

These are the wrong answers. Here's why.

Money, time, and recognition are side effects of, not reasons for, doing meaningful work—work that aligns with the difference only you can make.

What's the difference only you can...

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How to Do the Right Thing personal development Aug 23, 2023

Let's be clear. "Right" is a subjective and many splendored thing.

If you're playing your game and I'm playing mine, what's right for me may be wrong for you.

And that's alright.

What we are really deciding and doing is merely alright for right now.

If you've done the real work of...

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The Three Keys to Self-Awareness personal development tga Aug 21, 2023

Self-awareness begins with self-efficacy.

You have to trust yourself and your ability to know who you are and your capacity to get what you want before you can close those gaps.

But the desire to know where you stand and what's expected of you that's hardwired by biology and evolution and...

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When is it time to change your mind? art of encore living personal development tga Aug 14, 2023

What should you do when you realize you're playing a game you no longer want to play?

Ignore sunk costs and walk away.

I get it. It's hard.

Most  of us over-identify with roles and goals in ways that are unhealthy or nurture our unhappiness.

Or we fall into the identity trap by clinging...

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Effort > Outcome personal development Aug 06, 2023

Almost everything in life is beyond your control, but you do control the only 3 things you need to navigate life's ups and downs with purpose and peace of mind.

What are they? And how do they work?

I'm glad you asked.

Let's break down the 3 things you need to succeed in life.

First, attitude....

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How to Catalyze Your Progress personal development Aug 04, 2023

If you want things to be different in your life, you need to see and do things differently.

What got you where you are won't get you where you want to be.

The science is convincing. 95% of our day-to-day thoughts and actions happen on auto-pilot.

But you can amplify and leverage the 5% of your...

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The Power of Polarization art of encore living personal development tga Jul 30, 2023

Polarization gets a bad rap, mainly because it is often weaponized in today’s political and cultural wars. But polarization is also a natural and necessary fact.

NOTHING exists without its opposite. Opposition is a part of identity. We know good because we know bad, love thanks to hate,...

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Who are you? art of encore living personal development Jul 26, 2023

Thoughtful, generous, purpose-driven humans wrestle with two fundamental questions.

"Who am I?" and "What should I do with my life?"

Answering these questions is incredibly fraught.

We possess contradictory natures. We like to know where we fit in and what's expected, and want to stand...

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What is Purpose? art of encore living personal development tga Jul 26, 2023

What is purpose (and why does it matter)?

When I found myself broken, lost, and alone at a midlife crossroads, purpose literally saved my life. So, I'm talking about it in case it might save you.

Something that helped me was defining what purpose meant (at least to me).

I decided that purpose is "a...

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How to Pay Attention art of encore living personal development tga Jul 24, 2023

Attention may be our most undervalued resource.


There are SO many associated costs.

Attention means "to stretch toward."

This means whatever you're paying attention to also costs you time, effort, and energy (at the very least).

What you pay attention to can also impact your identity and...

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