Why You Don't Achieve Your Goals

personal development Jan 01, 2024
Scott Perry Promoting a Blog Post About Priorities

The enemy of goal achievement is priorities.

What? Aren’t priorities a good thing?

No. Priorities are a trap.

Until the early 1900s, there was no such thing as priorities. Although the word priority has been part of the English vocabulary since the 1400s, it has ALWAYS been used in the singular until recently.

So, here’s the thing. You can only have one priority. Only ONE thing can come first. 

Once that one thing is achieved, you can put it on a maintenance plan and choose your next priority, but if you have more than one priority, then nothing is a priority.

“The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.”—Stephen Covey

The Barbell Strategy, Reasoning From First Principles, and Systems Thinking are just a few principles I use and share with clients to close the gap between desire and destination.

If you want to learn more, email me I’M READY.1

I’ll send you free resources to help you set and achieve goals that will more efficiently and effectively get you from where you are to where you want to be in life.

What’s your main thing right now? What can you give up to recover more time, attention, money, and effort to reallocate toward achieving your priority?

How can you put things that are necessary but not the priority on a minimum effective dose while you keep the main thing the main thing? 

1. Contact me

Scott Perry, Chief Difference-Maker at Creative on Purpose

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