"What's It For?"

personal development Apr 16, 2019
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“What’s it for?”

Embracing this question is at the heart of every Seth Godin program. Why?

  • Asking “What’s it for?” indicates a commitment to intention and integrity.
  • It’s an invitation to disrupt self-serving agendas or bias confirmation and think more expansively, empathetically and generously.

Answering the question, “What’s it for?” helps you determine if what you’re about to do or say is worth your time and talents and those of the people you seek to serve through your thoughts and actions.

When you answer the question, “What’s it for?”, you’re stating an assertion whose “trueness” you seek to test. You're not merely reverse engineering a narrative to prove what you already believe to be true.

The practice of asking “What’s it for?” is a powerful lever for the thoughtful and professional creative to ratchet in service of the change you seek to make.

What, where, and when can you ask, "What's it for?", today?

Keep flying higher!

Scott Perry, Chief Difference-Maker at C reative on Purpose

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