What I've Been Reading - Winter 2021

book recommendations Feb 01, 2021
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Books are efficient and cost effective learning tools. They are my go-to source for inspiration and information in my endeavors. Here are four books that currently inform my journey in developing Creative On Purpose.

The Creative Spark: How Imagination Made humans Exceptional, by Augustin Fuentes

Fuentes makes a compelling case for the importance and uniqueness of human creativity, how it encourages collaboration, and why both matter now more than ever.

How to Decide: Simple Tools for Making Better Choices, by Annie Duke

An engaging blend of science, anecdotes, and exercises about overcoming your biases and making better decisions in your day-to-day.

The Practice: Shipping Creative Work, by Seth Godin

Equal parts insight and inspiration encouraging readers to develop and deliver upon their creative potential and promise.

Debt: The First 5000 Years, by David Graeber

A counterintuitive and convincing account of how before money, there was debt. Graeber shares why it is and why it matters.

These four books, more than any other of the dozens I've recently read, have had the biggest impact on my journey in building the Creative On Purpose brand and developing and delivering on its promise to help others fly higher in endeavors that make a difference. You can find them and other helpful resources in the Creative On Purpose Bookstore.

Scott Perry, Difference-Maker Coach at Creative on Purpose

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