What I've Been Reading - Fall 2019

book recommendations personal development Oct 21, 2019
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"Reading is essential for those who seek to rise above the ordinary.” – Jim Rohn

Books are my go-to source for inspiration and information in my endeavors. Here are four books that currently inform my journey in developing Creative On Purpose and help me enhances the lives of those who collide with it.

Trillion Dollar Coach: The Leadership Playbook of Silicon Valley's Bill Campbell, by Eric Schmidt et al

Schmidt, former CEO of Google, and his co-authors weave an engaging narrative that highlights the importance of values, trust, and relationships in building and leading teams that make a difference.

The Right Story: A Brief guide to Changing the World, by Bernadette Jiwa

Jiwa provides a pragmatic and effective approach to mastering the art of storytelling to persuade, influence and inspire to help make meaningful change happen.

The Second Mountain: The Quest for a Moral Life, by David Brooks

Brooks creates a compelling metaphor and crafts an engaging approach for leading a meaningful life by surrendering to a cause or calling that cultivates joy through serving others.

Conscious: A Brief Guide to the Fundamental Mystery of the Mind, by Annaka Harris

Harris persuasively tackles the evolving definitions, philosophies, and science of understanding consciousness  and makes a compelling case for why the pursuit of understanding consciousness matters.

These four books, more than any other of the dozens I've recently read, have had the biggest impact on my journey in building the Creative On Purpose brand and developing and delivering on its promise to help others fly higher in endeavors that make a difference. You can find them and other helpful resources in the Creative On Purpose Bookstore.

Let's keep flying higher together!

Scott Perry, Chief Difference-Maker at C reative on Purpose

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