Are Goals Always the Answer?

art of encore living personal development Apr 11, 2022

Setting big goals and establishing long-term strategies are all well and good, especially once you have a lot of clarity about and confidence in your endeavor (AKA "the difference only you can make").

But if clarity about what you're building, who it's for, and confidence how it works and why people will want it are elusive, it might be better to think in causes and campaigns.

Crafting your endeavor as a cause helps you think more expansively, act more generously, and focus on the integrity of the journey.

For instance, my current cause is to help others find fulfillment by defining the difference only they can make and live their legacy.

Campaigns encourage organization and action toward short-term intentions that keep sunk costs down (less wasted time and effort) and nurture a return on investment in lessons and experience.

My current campaign is a 5-week online program that helps people find, name, and engage their purpose.

Do you have the clarity and confidence necessary to create and commit to a five year plan? What initial cause and campaign could you test first?

Scott Perry, Chief Difference-Maker at Creative on Purpose

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