The Perils of Grandiosity
Feb 27, 2023The journey to make a difference in the second half of life is fraught with contradictions.
The biggest one that I witness (and experience) is navigating grandiosity and insignificance.
Your life’s calling should be big, right?
It can certainly feel that way.
After all, we’re programmed to chase the grandiose in the first half of life.
We incessantly grasp for more money, more time, a bigger home, and a bigger reputation.
But it never feels grand enough, and this fuels feelings of insignificance.
Bigger doesn’t feel better. More never feels like enough.
What to do?
The antidote to “too big” (grandiosity) and “not enough” (insignificance) is the art of sufficiency.
Your life and work don’t have to be grandiose to matter and make a difference.
That your life and your life’s work are not celebrated doesn’t mean it is insignificant.
Isn’t a right-sized life alright for right now?
What happens if, just for today, you decide that you are sufficient as you are even as you strive to be and do more and better?
Scott Perry, Encore Life Coach at Creative on Purpose
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