The Ground Rules
Dec 29, 2023This guide is designed to help you define the difference only you can make so you can craft it into a meaningful endeavor done with and for people you care about so you can live your legacy.1
However, while you pursue what you want on your terms without compromising on the content of your character, there are a few ground rules.
“Happiness and freedom begin with a clear understanding of one principle: Some things are within our control, and some things are not.”—Epictetus
Agency is as intoxicating as it is elusive.
What do I mean by “agency?”
Agency is about taking ownership of and responsibility for what is and is not within your control—what is within your purview and what you have authority2 over.
When the breaks go your way, it’s easy to believe it’s due to your intelligence and planning.
When things go awry, it’s easy to blame others or fate.
The truth is, very little is within your control, but at the same time, you do control everything required to maintain your sense of well-being and prosperity.
You ultimately control only two things.
You determine how you choose to perceive yourself, others, and your situation.
You also control what you decide to do next.
Everything else is beyond your control.
Your body is subject to disease, decline, and (ultimately) death.
The attitude and behavior of others are for them to decide, not you.
And there are forces far more powerful than you at work in life’s social, political, economic, cultural, and geographical arenas.
However, many things beyond your absolute control are within your influence.
You can eat well and exercise to promote a healthy body.
You can adopt a compassionate posture toward others that encourages them to engage in their goodness.
And you can choose your battles and leverage your assets to persuade results that enhance the prospects for all.
Agency is then less about what is and is outside your control, but rather your willingness to take responsibility for your decisions3 and actions.
Accepting agency’s invitation doesn’t guarantee the outcomes we desire. Instead, it provides us with a much more valuable gift.
The ability to find fulfillment and meaning in the journey.
Do the Work
Where in your life have you ignored or abdicated your agency over how you see, think about, decide, plan, and take action?
How can you reclaim your power in those situations?
Take time to journal or discuss your work, and be sure to apply your takeaways.
This article is the republished second lesson from my handbook, “The Art of Encore Living.” See the links in the footnotes to access additional chapters4 or to purchase the complete guide for $1 on Amazon,5 or access the entire course for free.6
1 What It Means to Live Your Legacy
3 How to Make Decisions Better
6 The Art of Encore Living Course
Scott Perry, Chief Difference-Maker at Creative on Purpose
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