The Creative on Purpose Manifesto

creative on purpose basics Feb 03, 2021

We envision a world where everyone can build identity and forge meaning through meaningful work done with and for others.

Creative on Purpose helps you see and step into possibility in endeavors that make things better. It's time to develop and deliver the difference only you can make.

To be creative on purpose is to make change happen with intention and integrity. To be creative on purpose is to be a difference-maker. A difference-maker is someone who engages in endeavors that make things better.

An endeavor is work done with and for those who share your values and need your talents to enhance their lives. This is how you live your legacy. Legacy isn’t what you leave behind. It’s the difference you’re making now.

You are enough, and everything is just fine. And yet… 

You possess limitless promise, and things could be so much better for so many more.

We need you. You already possess the unique perspective, skills, and experience necessary to begin.

Embrace and engage your authorship of and agency over your destiny. It's time to start leading from the inside out.

To develop your potential and deliver on your promise while making a difference, you’re going to have to think and act differently. What got you where you are won’t get you where you want to go.

Let’s endeavor together to make things better. Start leading yourself and living your legacy. It’s time to be creative on purpose.

Click here to hear Scott present the Creative on purpose manifesto on the Creative on Purpose podcast.

Scott Perry, Difference-Maker Coach at Creative on Purpose.

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