The Complexity Tax

art of encore living personal development tga Dec 14, 2022
Scott Perry Promoting a Blog Post

Humans are enamored with complexity.

We’re creatures who love to add more.


The undisciplined pursuit of more provides seductive dopamine hits that feel good in the short term.

Although this robs you of the time and energy needed for the long-term pursuit of what you really want.

And complexity also gives us a place to hide.

How many times have you heard the response “It’s complicated “in response to a question about someone’s work or relationships?

“It’s complicated” is a lazy answer to a wicked problem.

And yet...

Too often, we are lazy and just keep adding more.

And the more we add, the more complicated things get.

But what about the complexity tax?

Complexity has its costs, and the biggest cost is increased inefficiency and unreliability.

Because productivity isn’t an addition problem, it’s a multiplication problem.

What to do?

It takes focus, boldness, and discipline to define what you really want, determine what’s necessary to close the gap between where you are and where you want to be and do the real work to get there.

But it’s worth it.

Where in your life, work, and life’s work are you paying too much in complexity tax?

What are you going to do to be more productful?

Scott Perry, Encore Life Coach

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