Reflection & Inflection 2018

personal development Dec 31, 2018
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I don't often dwell on the past. But I am reflecting on 2018 today and the inflection points that inform and inspire what's coming in 2019 for Creative On Purpose.

Here's a few highlights from 2018:

The vision for 2019:

  • Help 1000 fellow travelers develop their potential, deliver on their promise, and enhance the lives of others through Difference-Maker Community and Coaching Programs. 
  • Script and deliver a speaking gig once/month.
  • Craft a Creative On Purpose online course that makes a difference for 1000 additional fellow travelers.

As with any aspiration, I am stepping into "what's next" with intention and integrity. As I engage and employ my curiosity and courage, I am paying attention to unanticipated opportunities and possibilities.

What's next for you in the new year? Whatever it is, I hope we can continue to keep flying higher together!

Scott Perry, Chief Difference-Maker at Creative on Purpose

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