Play Your Game
Jan 08, 2024Life is inherently fraught.
A life worth living begins with doing work worth doing—the work you were meant to do.
The only thing worse than trying and failing at the game of life is trying and failing at someone else’s game.
And anything worth doing should be done full out and with passion.
“You should not vacillate.”—The Bhagavad Gita
By the way, if you are fortunate enough to have already discerned and are delivering your passion. Huzzah!
Much of what we wish to become resides in who we already are (and have always been).
Celebrate and share your good fortune.
Passion begets passion.
Many of us have been told, “Find your passion.” But have you been shown how to find your passion?
Where does passion reside?
As with purpose, the answers are contradictory. Is passion “out there” for you to discover and exploit? Or is it inside you to be excavated and employed?
I wonder if it’s neither? Or perhaps both?
Perhaps passion is also a “both-and” situation.
What if passion naturally occurs from doing the work right before you right now with full and mindful presence?
What if passion isn’t a finite but a renewable resource? Maybe passion arises from engaging in your everyday routines and relationships with passion.
Maybe passion resides where wisdom lives—in the execution of knowledge.
After all, learning that does not lead to action is useless.
Do the Work
What if, just for today, you stopped treating both purpose and passion like destinations?
What if, just for today, you treated them like regenerative resources that grow as you employ them in all your endeavors?
What if, just for today, you practiced passion (and purpose) from the inside out?
How might that change everything?
Take time to journal or discuss your work, and be sure to apply your takeaways.
This article is the republished fifth lesson from my handbook, “The Art of Encore Living.” See the links in the footnotes to access additional chapters1 or to purchase the complete guide for $1 on Amazon,2 or access the entire course for free.3
3.The Art of Encore Living Course
Scott Perry, Chief Difference-Maker at Creative on Purpose
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