
art of encore living personal development Mar 11, 2023

Ready to live without limits in the second half of life?

There’s a moment when we realize there’s more living behind us than in front.

It can be depressing and even triggering.

But the second half of life is also an awakening that you and I haven’t yet even come close to delivering on our promise.

Life’s second half can be reframed as an invitation to tap into and deliver on your limitless potential.

If you have a sneaking suspicion that you can be and do more and better.

You can.

The rules of the game of life you were schooled for and occupied by in the first half of life are compliance, conformity, and competition.

Is it any wonder the game you were taught to play feels limiting?

Are you surprised that you never really felt like you were winning?

You can’t win a game you don’t want to play.

It’s time to reconnect with who you really are, what you’re really good at, and where you really belong.

It’s time to play your game.

All it takes is the will to acknowledge and engage your power to see and step into the limitless possibility ahead of you.

Your life is speaking to you because it wants to speak through you.

Let your life speak.

And here’s the best part.

When you’re playing your game, time expands. You’re present and living in the moment because you’re doing work that matters with people you care about.

You’re living your legacy.

Which means the time ahead of you is more limitless than you initially thought.

Ready to get clear about and closer to what you really want in the second half of life and live without limits?

It’s time to dial in your unique gift and hidden wholeness and step into your limitlessness through the art of encore living.

Scott Perry, Encore Life Coach at Creative on Purpose

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