Laurel Portié - "Go out and solve 100 people's problems."

tga tips from podcast guests Feb 22, 2023

Insight and inspiration for flying higher in the difference only you can make from guests who have appeared on Creative on Purpose Live.

This week's wisdom comes from a conversation with Laurel Portié, everyone's favorite social media ad strategist. Tune into the entire conversation here.

[LAUREL] "I'm gonna be bold right now to your audience right now."

"If you are not where you need to be, I guarantee that if you make your one solvable problem to have 100 conversations in messenger, 100 conversations in messenger, and all you're doing... You're not worried about getting people on a phone call."

"If you just have 100 people in messenger and you help every single one of those people solve one problem, I guarantee you will never struggle for another client again. It is that easy."

"It is not, what do they say? It's simple, but it's not easy to do. But that is literally the game.

"If you literally just help 100 people solve 100 problems in the next 90 days, you will never have to worry about where your next client's coming from, ever."

[SCOTT] "I love that. Well, I was actually, as we're coming to the end of our time, I was going to ask you to share one last final tip or piece of advice, but that's it."

"Because I think everything that you teach, Laurel, it's about skills. And the thing about skills is anybody can learn any skill, but you can't learn something until you actually start doing it. So, if you want to get better at human-to-human selling, marketing that feels good, that feels like you're presenting yourself ethically and with empathy, and with real integrity and investment in helping people solve their problems, go out and solve 100 people's problems."

[LAUREL] "And let's leave them with one tactic, right, that everyone could do. It'll take 30 seconds to do. One thing, okay, just exactly what Scott and I were just talking about."

"All you have to do, okay, is make one five-minute video explaining your methodology. Okay? That's it."

"Offer a freebie. Do not ask people for a name or email."

"Make a Google Document of some actionable thing that people can do with your methodology."

"So, in my case, right, if I'm doing a five-minute video on my power content strategy, I would give away my power content template, or I would give away the instructions on how to place the ad from start to finish. Right? Everyone just do that one video."

"Think about something that you can get people to raise their hands saying, 'Yes, I want that.' Put five dollars a day and let it run for 90 days."

"That will accelerate the process for having those 100 conversations. That's all you need to do."

Are you using social media or is it using you? Laurel delivered two powerful ways you can leverage social media ethically and with empathy to build authentic engagement with the right audience. How can you show up more generously on social media today?

Scott Perry, Encore Life Coach at Creative on Purpose

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