Jay Bhakta - "Live to learn. Give to earn."

tips from podcast guests May 31, 2023

Insight and inspiration for flying higher in the difference only you can make from guests who have appeared on Creative on Purpose Live.

This week’s wisdom comes from a conversation with Base Case & Build founder Jay Bhakta.

Tune into the entire conversation here.

[JAY] "I like what they teach in the Master Apprentice program. They talk about 'Live to learn. Give to earn.'"

"No matter what situation you're in, if you're on a mountaintop or in the valley, you're always looking to learn and improve. Right?"

"You're always gaining knowledge."

"And then give that knowledge and share that knowledge with others."

"That's how you gain wisdom."

Jay just delivered a powerful (and succinct) reminder about learning by doing.

How are you bridging the knowledge wisdom gap and making a difference today?

Scott Perry, Encore Life Coach at Creative on Purpose

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