Is What You Do Who You Are?

personal development stepping into possibility Oct 02, 2023

“The riches are in the niches” is a(nother) one of those dogmatic statements peddled by gurus selling their latest hack, trick, system, or program.

But is it true?

It depends.

Roles and goals can benefit from fitting into a neat, easily identifiable box.

But does that mean you have to fit into a neat, easily identifiable box?

I’m not so sure. That sounds like an identity trap.

For instance, I’m often asked, “Are you a life coach or a business coach?”

My answer? “Yes.”


Let me explain.

I have a client navigating transitions in life and business. When they recently disclosed they’re the CEO of a recognizable brand, my imposter spoke up.

“Why did you decide to work with me? I’m not an executive coach.”

Their answer surprised me but also rings true.

“If I’m going to run a better business, I must become a better person. You help me with both.”

You are not merely what you do. You are much more than the roles you play and their associated goals.

But suppose you have clarity about who you are and how your distinctive combination of talents, tolerances, and temperaments informs the difference only you can make. Then, who you are is reflected in everything you do.

Life and work benefit from being integrated more than balanced.

An integrated life opens doors for finding fulfillment, forging meaning, and making an impact if you’re willing to embrace and step into possibility.

What do you do? We spend a lot of time thinking about how to answer that question.

But a more important question is, who are you?

I’d love to hear your questions and reflections.

What do you do, and how does it express who you are?

Scott Perry, Chief Difference-Maker at Creative on Purpose.

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