Is It Time to Say "Goodbye?"
Apr 03, 2018"Is it time to say 'Goodbye?'"
I ask this question often since the arrival of spring. It's really powerful for "pruning" unnecessary clutter from my life and helping me be more "present" for the work and people in my life that matter.
"We are what we repeatedly do; excellence, then,
is not an act, but a habit." - Aristotle
For instance, I said "Goodbye" to several social media accounts and forums. I said "Sayonara" to my daily coffee habit and glass of wine in addition to sugar and wheat. As a result, I said "adiós" to 10 pounds (with 10 more to go).
I said, "Auf wiedersehen" to the few remaining unhealthy relationships I hadn't yet had the courage to end. I said "Au revoir" to a long list of "opportunities" that were only getting in the way of the work I really love to do.
"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can
start from now and make a brand new ending." - Marcus Aurelius
Saying "Goodbye" isn't always a sad occasion. Especially when it allows you to say "Hello" to more worthwhile endeavors. Because of the unhealthy habits and relationships, I let go of, I've been able to say "Sawubona" to some much more gratifying ones.
Dates with my wife at the local coffee shop where we share a pot of tea and plan our future adventures. A coaching position with Seth Godin's online programs and my own Difference-Maker Coaching program.
What could you say "Goodbye" to today that would enhance your sense of prosperity and well being? Where in your life could you be more present and purposeful?
Keep flying higher!
Scott Perry, Chief Difference-Maker at Creative on Purpose
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