Is Enough, Enough?

personal development May 01, 2018
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Humans are complicated. Can we agree on that? What other creature is capable of holding two diametrically opposed ideas in their head at the same time and simultaneously hold each to be true and still function?

Some people believe the earth is actually flat and still go onround the  world cruises. Some people believe Elvis is still alive and also argue that he was murdered. 

But this thinking isn't limited to kooks and conspiracy theorists.

I believe that I am enough. I believe you are too, btw. But I also believe that enough is not enough. My guess is you believe the same.

Perfection is impossible. Seeking it only leads to suffering and unhappiness. But progress is possible, and likely when we work on ourselves daily.

So, what will you do today that helps you wake up to a better you tomorrow?

Until next week, keep flying higher!

Scott Perry, Chief Difference-Maker at Creative on Purpose

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