How to Make Decisions

art of encore living personal development Feb 08, 2023
Scott Perry Promoting a Blog Post

Decisions matter. They matter a lot.


First, every decision to do something is also a decision not to do many other things.

Second, deciding not to do something is a decision and works exactly the same as above.

Third, a bad decision can end your ability to make any future decisions.

So, how do you decide?

I know that I abdicated my ability to make thoughtful decisions for far too long.

I decided to go along to get along with peers and authority figures.

I let my unconscious whims and desires decide for me.

Even worse, I let knee-jerk emotional reactions decide what I said or did next.

But one day, I decided I’d step into my power to make my own decisions based on who I was and what I wanted without impeding anyone else’s ability to do the same.

I decided to play my game.

And that made all the difference.

Now I try to make my decisions by framing what’s now and deciding what’s next based on what matters.

As a wise guy once said, “Character is fate.”

Decisions are not outcomes.

But they do matter.

Ready to play your game?

How are you framing what’s now and what’s next? Most importantly, what matters to you?

Scott Perry, Encore Life Coach at Creative on Purpose

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