Hope or Faith?

personal development Apr 15, 2019
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It's not, of course, an either or question. There's certainly a time and place for both hope and faith.

Hope is a desire for a favorable future outcome.

Hope is passive. Hope happens to you.

If you've been shipwrecked and are drifting about the Pacific in a leaky liferaft, hope may well stave off despair until a tanker stumbles across and rescues you. But if you open a restaurant in town and merely hope that people come to dine, well that's just dumb.

Hope is not a strategy. It can, however, be an effective tactic that helps get you through a tough time.

Faith is trust that things happen "as they should."

Faith encourages deliberate action. Faith happens through you.

If you want to learn a language or to play an instrument, it's perfectly reasonable to have faith in your ability to do so. Having faith that good things will happen for you simply because you behave like a good person is a bit delusional.

Faith is not a tactic. It is an effective strategic filter you can employ as you pursue worthwhile endeavors.

I hope you have a great day. Keep the faith!

Scott Perry, Chief Difference-Maker at C reative on Purpose

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