Chill Out - The Virtues of Stillness

personal development May 14, 2018
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For those of us on the path of developing and delivering our best selves through our best work, it is easy to get lost in the churn. Hustling to get what we're working on done so we can move on to what's next.

The path to progress doesn't encourage the employment of patience or peace.

But so often the best insights and inspiration come when we are quiet and still. Which is why you need to schedule and insert some of these moments in your day.

For me, these moments are; first thing, mid-day, and at day's end. Upon rising, I journal my morning gratitudes and read a few pages of Meditations. At mid-day, I go for my infamous "cemetery run." At day's end, I jot down my day's biggest success and most challenging moments in my journal.

Fresh perspectives, new angles, unexpected ideas, and interesting insights almost always visit me during at least one of these moments of quiet stillness. The cycles of mental and physical activity momentarily halt and I'm reminded of the gift of being present in the "here and now." The virtue of ceasing to attach myself to the results I seek and instead appreciate the process.

Do you insert a pause or two in your day? 

Until next time, keep flying higher (but schedule a break or two)!

Keep flying higher!

Scott Perry, Chief Difference-Maker at Creative on Purpose

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