Checking Our Intention & Motivation

personal development stoicism Nov 14, 2016
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It’s not a bad idea for creative people, like you and I, to pause from time to time and check our motivation and intention. Why are we practicing and sharing our craft? What’s it for?

Do we want to be noticed? Accepted? Praised? Rewarded?

Uh oh, better check ourselves! This path never ends well because it can’t be sustained! When we chase such things there is never enough. These wants can never be satisfied.

What if all we want is to explore? Expand? Inspire? Challenge?

These are meaningful and worthwhile vocations that will lead to true and sustainable happiness.

Check in with your intention and motivation from time to time and be sure it aligns with your purpose and then, carry on! We need and want what you have to offer!

Keep flying higher!

Scott Perry, Chief Difference-Maker at Creative on Purpose

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