Got Gratitude?

personal development Oct 29, 2019
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Gratitude Starts with Others

A practice I learned from Seth Godin in the altMBA is "Finding the Good in Others." There are just two steps. First, "catch" someone doing something "right." Second, tell them.

Here's my "catch and tell" for today - "I noticed that you read my blog today. Thanks for lending my work some of your valuable attention. It means the world to me!"

Gratitude Starts with You

Scientific studies reveal that the simple act of counting your blessings and a posture of gratitude stave off stress and cultivate wellbeing even during the toughest times.

To cultivate thankfulness, I start my day by writing down three appreciations related to what I already have.

These can include acknowledgment of my current physical, psychological, or spiritual state. I may also list a recent experience, convenience, or simple pleasure. I might even share a challenge that tests and develops me.

Here's my list for this day -  "Today I'm grateful for a curious mind, a rainy day, and a difficult conversation I'm having later today."

Who can you "catch  and tell" today? What are three things you're grateful for today? 

Go Further

Here are a few thoughts on gratitude from Endeavor.

Let's keep flying higher together!

Scott Perry, Chief Difference-Maker at C reative on Purpose

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