3 Crucial Lessons Learned in 2018 to Help You Endeavor Better in 2019

personal development Dec 30, 2018

Many conversations in 2018 informed and inspired my journey to develop myself through enhancing the lives of others. Each helped me develop and deliver my greatest endeavor so far

These three had the biggest impact in helping me cultivate a greater sense of peace and prosperity, even when encountering “challenge opportunities,” as I sought to endeavor better. 

“Make the world better by making better things.” — Seth Godin

“Engineer the smallest possible step.” - Marie Schacht

“If you are a force for good in this world, get your sh*t together around how you fund that.” - Michael Bungay Stanier

Hope something here helps you fly higher while making a difference in 2019!

Scott Perry, Chief Difference-Maker at Creative on Purpose

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